Support Coordination

Support Coordination is a crucial aspect of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) that aims to assist participants in navigating and maximizing their NDIS plans. Our experienced and dedicated Support Coordinators recognize that each client’s needs are unique and require personalized attention. They work closely with participants to understand their specific goals and aspirations.

The primary role of Support Coordination is to help participants comprehend their NDIS plans comprehensively. This involves explaining the various funding allocations and how these funds can be utilized to access suitable services and supports. Support Coordinators serve as a bridge between the participants and service providers, ensuring that the right services are connected to address the individual’s needs effectively.

A significant aspect of Support Coordination is fostering collaboration among various service providers. Our Support Coordinators ensure that these providers work together harmoniously to deliver integrated and cohesive support to the participant. This collaboration leads to more streamlined and efficient service delivery, reducing any potential gaps or overlaps.

Support Coordinators also play a critical role during plan reviews. They provide valuable assistance and guidance to participants, ensuring that their NDIS plans remain relevant and up-to-date based on their evolving needs and circumstances.

To tailor their assistance, Support Coordinators take into account the participant’s specific diagnoses, plan details, and desired outcomes. They can help coordinate a wide range of services, encompassing disability housing, cleaning, home maintenance, personal support, substance abuse rehabilitation, child protection, parenting support, income support, training and employment services, medical appointments, allied health services, and community engagement opportunities.

Ultimately, the main aim of Support Coordination is to empower participants, enhance their quality of life, and help them achieve their goals and aspirations. Through careful coordination, collaboration, and personalized support, our Support Coordinators strive to enable participants to realize their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.